Opinion We Define Journalism By Doing It There’s a whiff of nostalgia to this question, an implied belief that journalism in the past was noble and pure and that recent trends might ruin it. That bias faces… December 15, 2004 Melanie Sill The Next Journalism’s Objective Reporting Listen up, young journalists. Here’s some bad news from an old-timer: The economic basis for the detached, aloof-observer model of journalism that my generation built is crumbling fast.The good news:… December 15, 2004 Philip Meyer Symptoms of Underlying Stress in Journalism Punditry and attitude are more symptoms than causes of changes in American journalism. Think of them as signs of stress, foreshocks, as more powerful forces interact under the surface due… December 15, 2004 John McManus Journalism’s Proper Bottom Line In recent years, punditry, opinion and so-called infotainment have permeated newscasts and newspapers to such a degree that it is now difficult for the average news consumer to distill the… December 15, 2004 Bonnie M. Anderson Subversive Activities I would rephrase the question to be “Can democracy survive journalism as it has come to be practiced?” After all, accurate, trustworthy information, lots of it, is the bedrock of… December 15, 2004 Gilbert Cranberg Journalism Mirrors the Public Mood What if we are leaving the Age of Reason far behind? What if the basic cultural settings that have under-girded the best of American journalism—a scientific mindset and respect for… December 15, 2004 Tom Ashbrook Infotainment Shrinks the News People often ask me what it is like backstage at “The McLaughlin Group” or Chris Matthew’s “Hardball” or Fox’s “The O’Reilly Factor.” “Do you and your fellow panelists go out… December 15, 2004 Clarence Page Punditry Flowers in the Absence of Reporting While we were getting down to the wire on the John Kerry Silver Star medal story at ABC News’s “Night-line,” the recent painful “60 Minutes’” debacle over the President’s war… December 15, 2004 Mary Claude Foster Journalism Reflects Our Culture Journalism is no more in a survival mode today than it was 52 years ago when Louis Lyons and my Nieman classmates worried about how a compliant and objective press… December 15, 2004 Melvin Mencher The Inadequacy of Objectivity as a Touchstone Certainly journalism will survive. Indeed, it could even thrive as a result of today’s very real challenges. Journalists need neither fear nor denounce the proliferation of punditry and attitude. Rather,… December 15, 2004 Geneva Overholser Previous 1 … 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 … 74 Next