
From Journalism to Self-Publishing Books

‘Our experience with print-on-demand books offers promising and challenging news.’

Figuring Out What a 21st Century Book Can Be

When an author’s insistence on publishing under a Creative Commons license met resistance from book publishers, he decided to self-publish his book with Lulu.

Creating a Navigational Guide to New Media

Two veteran journalists illuminate the convergent paths ahead—for those who consume news and those who report it.

The Sports Tweet: New Routines on an Old Beat

‘As much as possible, I adhere to the same reporting rules with social media when it comes to breaking news. Do I have a reliable source? Is this information on…

The Sportswriter as Fan: Me and My Blog

‘Our blog made no bones about its utter subjectivity, but we were seen as more objective than those for whom objectivity was a commandment.’

VietNamNet: Responses to a Fall 2010 Nieman Reports Article

After Nieman Reports published “An American Observes a Vietnamese Approach to Newsgathering” in our Fall 2010 issue, we received several letters raising concern about the context and content of the…

A Journalistic Vanishing Act

‘As a refugee from daily newspapering, I’m one of thousands of arts journalists who in the past couple of years have found themselves footloose.’

There’s More to Being a Journalist Than Hitting the ‘Publish’ Button

For better or worse, the Internet is ‘biased to the amateur and to the immediate.’

A Message for Journalists: It’s Time to Flex Old Muscles in New Ways

‘We’ll learn by trying new ways of doing what we’ve done with news, by putting ourselves visibly in the social media mix, and by using the emerging tools of daily…

When Journalists Were Targets

Sunday Dare wrote a book, “Guerilla Journalism: Dispatches from the Underground,” about his experiences working as an independent journalist in Nigeria when that country was ruled by a military dictatorship.RELATED…