Journalist’s Trade

‘Narrative Writing Looked Easy.’

It wasn’t, but with help the writer used French fries to explain Asia’s financial crisis.

‘Just Write What Happened.’

Imposing a narrative structure doesn’t always work.

Keeping a Reporter’s Eye on the Contributions

It’s easier to find the money, but does the public still want to know?

Summer 2000: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

 As the century began, political reporters flocked to the front porch of the Canton, Ohio home of President William McKinley to dispatch his words to readers. Now, 100 years later,…

Uncovering Private Interests in Public Places

Scrutiny of legislators should be part of the statehouse beat.

Money and Politics on the Web

RELATED ARTICLE“Keeping a Reporter’s Eye on the Contributions”– Peter OverbyThe information revolution has brought an array of Web sites that collect, combine and otherwise buff up the campaign finance reports…

The Fun and Frenzy of Internet Political Coverage

At, reporting is wrapped in attitude and the writing is edgier.

Multimedia Coverage of the Interactive Kind

At OnPolitics, partnerships and public engagement change the way political news is delivered and digested.

From the Political Biosphere Into Cyberspace

A Journalist’s Journey From Television to the Web

Connecting Political Coverage to Readers’ Concerns

In local reporting, entertainment is a distant second to issues that touch people’s lives.