Journalist’s Trade

Are Political Reporters a Vanishing Breed?

After 40 years on the beat, one journalist thinks they might be.

Getting to Know You

As many candidates retreat from the press, what we learn is what their strategists want us to know.

‘The Higher We Flew, the Less We Knew.’

A Century of Reporting on the Race for the White House

Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Objectivity Introduction

Nothing about journalism so engages—and enrages—the public and practitioners as do discussions about whether reporters can be and are objective observers of events they describe. Innumerable studies have set out…

The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights, as this parchment copy is now known, is on permanent display in the Rotunda of the National Archives. Courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.

1971: A Case for the Professional

[This article originally appeared in the September 1971 issue of Nieman Reports.]…at no time in history has the world needed the professional journalist more.The strident, partisan voices of today’s society…

1980: The New Reality

[This article originally appeared in the Spring 1980 issue of Nieman Reports.]Martin Chuzzlewit, the hero of Dickens’s novel of that name, sails to the United States on a packet boat.…

April 1952: The Cult of Incredibility

[This article originally appeared in the April 1952 issue of Nieman Reports.]Thomas Jefferson, in a famous letter to Edward Carrington, wrote his much-quoted line, “were it left to me to…

1955: The Seven Deadly Virtues

[This article originally appeared in the July 1955 issue of Nieman Reports.]…So revolutionary a change in the role of the American citizen was bound to have its effect on American…

1968: The Newsman—Society’s Lonesome End

[This article originally appeared in the March 1968 issue of Nieman Reports.]I would like to address my remarks to the younger journalists—those who will soon be leaving school. You will…