Journalist’s Trade

Going Home to Rediscover Appalachia

A reporter tells the story of poverty by looking through a different lens.

Carefully Choosing the Images of Poverty

A photographer considers what message images will convey.

Letting the Voices of Young Women Be Heard

At Teen Voices, real-life experiences are the stuff of which stories are made.

Sources: Have Journalists Ceded Control?

For the public to be well served, transparency is crucial.

Extraordinary Stories Emerge out of Daily Lives

At Youth Outlook, diverse voices portray youthful experiences.

Reporting Compelling Stories About Ordinary Teens

‘Pretend you’re an archeologist or an alien recording their world.’

Reporting About Poverty and Race Needs to Change

Yet journalists too often convey only a one-dimensional sense of déjà vu.

‘The Price of Prosperity’

Journalists unearth stories beneath the veneer of wealth.

Covering Race, Poverty and Class in the New Gilded Age

“So, what are you working on?” a friend asked me recently as we waited in line to see a movie. I told him about a story I was writing about…

Neither Publishers nor Readers Clamor for Stories About the Poor

Even so, the hard work of reporting about poverty has lasting value.