Journalist’s Trade

Spring 2001: Youth Journalism Introduction

Mark Goodman, director of the Student Press Law Center, laments the lessons about journalism and the First Amendment that young people are learning as adults censor what they write. “Professionals…

Looking for Stories in All the ‘Third Places’

In Detroit, reporters use civic mapping to find new stories and sources.

Civic Mapping Can Ignite a Reporter’s Curiosity

At The San Diego Union-Tribune, community experiences become stories.

Understanding the Community’s Civic Life

Journalists’ tools include new questions and different sources.

These Pictures Are Not About the Photographer

The camera documents humanity behind forgotten façades.

Filling a Void Left By Mainstream Media

Young temporary workers in Silicon Valley write out of their own experience.

Broadband Technology Brings News Video to the Web

Consumers—not journalists—decide what stories will be watched.

Not Just a Newspaper on the Web

At, value is added when newspaper and Web staffs work together.

Winter 2000: Building New Homes for News Introduction

At The Providence Journal, online editor Andrea Panciera writes that all sorts of barriers between the online and print staffs must be broken down so that “the editorial voice that…

Winter 2000: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

Richard Wexler, a former reporter and journalism professor, now executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, contends that journalists’ usual coverage of child welfare revolves around a…