Journalist’s Trade Journalists Must Maintain an Independence From Those They Cover “…Being impartial or neutral is not a core principle of journalism. …impartiality was never what was meant by objectivity. …the critical step in pursing truthfulness and informing citizens is not… June 15, 2001 Bill Kovach Journalism’s First Loyalty Is to Citizens “A commitment to citizens is more than professional egoism. It is the implied covenant with the public…. The notion that those who report the news are not obstructed from digging… June 15, 2001 Bill Kovach The Essence of Journalism Is a Discipline of Verification Excerpt from "The Elements of Journalism" by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel. Principle Three June 15, 2001 Bill Kovach Journalism’s First Obligation Is to Tell the Truth Principle One June 15, 2001 Bill Kovach El Nuevo Herald Provides a Latin American Take On the News At its sister newspaper, The Miami Herald, news judgments are different. June 15, 2001 Bárbara Gutiérrez KGUN9 Viewers’ Bill of Rights You Have a Right to KnowKGUN9 will ask the tough questions, conduct the investigations necessary, and give the timely information needed to serve the public interest and protect public safety.You… June 15, 2001 The Pursuit of Truth Can Be Elusive in Africa Independent journalists are branded unpatriotic and anti-government. June 15, 2001 Gwen Lister Retaining Independence Isn’t Easy for Journalists But protection of sources can cheat the public and betray the truth. June 15, 2001 Robert Blau Making Truth an Idea That Journalists Can Believe in Again ‘Every journalist knows that truth can make nonnegotiable demands.’ June 15, 2001 Jack Fuller Loving and Cussing: the Family Newspaper It’s a place where community and citizens come before big profits. June 15, 2001 Brandt Ayers Previous 1 … 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 … 78 Next