Journalist’s Trade The Immersion Experience In Historical Narrative In terms of the narrative style, as a reporter and as a writer, your job is to immerse yourself in this world and then immerse your reader in it through… March 15, 2002 Jill Lepore The Principles of War Coverage In 1992, journalists and the Pentagon agreed on nine principles to govern coverage. December 15, 2001 Training Journalists to Report Safely in Hostile Environments ‘…fire services personnel don’t go fighting fires without proper training….’ December 15, 2001 John Owen Language Matters as We Try to Describe What Happened ‘By accepting language’s failure, we surrender our understanding and the complex meaning of events to silence….’ December 15, 2001 Beverly Wall Using Graphics to Tell Stories ‘[O]nline graphics add other dimensions to the stories we report….’ December 15, 2001 Joanne Miller Recommended Sites www.spaceimaging.comSpace Imaging’s Ikonos one-meter resolution satellite is the premier source for civilian highresolution imagery, but at this writing its data collected over Afghanistan and environs has been effectively blockaded by… December 15, 2001 Christopher Simpson Fall 2001: Journalist’s Trade Introduction Cutbacks. Lay-offs. Buyouts. Early retirement packages. Offered under different names and circumstances, the bottom-line objectives are similar: trim the staff to keep the enterprise afloat. Few journalistic homes have been… September 15, 2001 Melissa Ludtke Prescient Words Delivered a Decade Ago On December 10, 1990, Geneva Overholser spoke to a gathering of Gannett executives. At this dinner, she was presented with an award as Gannett’s Editor of the Year. At the… September 15, 2001 Geneva Overholser News is Strategic in the Newspaper Business Newsroom cost cutting should not imperil its special strengths. September 15, 2001 Joseph Bower Making Change Work Away From Public Pressures At Cox newspapers, economic hard times bring fresh approaches to news coverage. September 15, 2001 Jay Smith Previous 1 … 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 … 78 Next