Journalist’s Trade

The Press Portrayed the Story as Fish vs. Farmers

But the Klamath River story is a whole lot more complicated than that.

After September 11, Headlines About Air Quality Were Everywhere

A reporter explains his misgivings about this complicated story.

Winter 2002: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

“To teach the craft of journalism is a worthy goal but clearly insufficient in this new world and within the setting of a great university,” Lee C. Bollinger, the new…

Passing Along the Magic of Journalism

Journalism stands apart from other academic pursuits.

What Journalism Schools Do Best

Important lessons are taught in the much-maligned ‘skills courses.’

Journalism’s Road to Becoming a Profession

There are key roles for educators to play in this transformation.

The Bridge Between the Classroom and Journalism

The purpose of journalism education can’t be addressed without determining why journalists do what they do.

Melding the Competing Demands of Basic Skills and Emerging Issues in Journalism

At Berkeley, a professor is using Weblogs as a new approach to teaching both.

What Should Be Taught in Journalism Schools?

An aspiring reporter ‘doesn’t need to learn how—he needs to learn what.’

The Worthiness of Bollinger’s Challenge

‘For craft training to be accorded due respect does not mean all else must be shunned.’