Journalist’s Trade

Finding Environmental Satellite Images on the Web

RELATED ARTICLE“Satellite Imagery for Environment Reporting”– Claire ParkinsonClaire Parkinson compiled a list of Web sites where reporters can find a wide selection of satellite imagery relevant to environmental topics. They…

“Freedom of the Press Becomes a River Without Water”

Isuspect I am among the few who can look back over a lengthy professional career and point unhesitatingly to one specific, defining event that sparked a passion and sent them…

Reluctance to Read News About the Environment

‘…trying to convince people about the importance of protecting the environment sometimes falls on deaf ears.’

Environment Reporting in China

There is government control and strained finances, but coverage of the environment is flourishing.

The Environment Beat in the Nation’s Capital

Reporters sort through promises of politicians and claims of advocates.

Covering the Environment From Rio to Johannesburg and Beyond

A Brazilian journalist describes his frustration with the beat.

Complexity in Environment Reporting Is Critical to Public Decision-Making

‘…the craft is now firmly entrenched as a key beat in American journalism.’

Using a Camera to Document Global Warming

‘This is a magnificent and urgent story just beginning to be told.’

Missing the ‘Big Story’ in Environment Coverage

‘… if we don’t do a better job of telling the story, devastation of the environment will be partly our fault.’

Connecting the Human Condition to Environmental Destruction

‘… I kept my camera’s eye fixed on the haunting faces of children.’