International Journalism In Yugoslavia, the Consequences of Not Reporting the Truth Journalists’ Failure to Report Honestly Empowers Tyrants June 15, 1999 Chris Hedges Immigrants Ignite a Media Maelstrom in Greece By Linking Foreigners With Crime, Broadcast Media Tried to Grow Their Ratings. But at What Cost? June 15, 1999 Dimitri Mitropoulos Chilean Media Work in the Long Shadow of Pinochet Media Ownership and Government Dictate the Ways This Former Dictator Is Covered June 15, 1999 Mirko Macari Reflections of Balkan Journalists When the Personal Becomes Part of One’s Profession June 15, 1999 Global Beat Images and Words From the Balkan Conflict An elderly ethnic Albanian woman from Kosovo comforts a small girl in a school in Bob, a village some 50 kms. south of Pristina, as another weeps, Tuesday, March 2,… June 15, 1999 David Brauchli A Ugandan Journalist Is Taken to Court By his Government Mounting a Defense to a Charge of ‘Publication of False News’ June 15, 1999 Charles Onyango-Obbo An Albanian Newspaper Is Reborn Kosovo Refugee Journalists Refuse to Let Their Reporting Be Silenced June 15, 1999 Ardian Arifaj An Albanian Newspaper Is Reborn Kosovo Refugee Journalists Refuse to Let Their Reporting Be Silenced June 15, 1999 Ardian Arifaj International Journalists Use Internet Technology to Breach Borders A journalist in Zimbabwe, researching a story with ties to Sweden, needed to contact an investigative reporter in that Scandinavian country, though he knew no one there. In Montreal, a… March 15, 1999 Maud S. Beelman When Numbers Talk, Journalists Help People Listen Venezuelan reporter Carlos Subero constructed his own databases to analyze politicians’ performances.Swedish reporter Stefan Lisinski exposed questionable practices involving bankrupt companies by using a massive Swedish database of information on… March 15, 1999 Brant Houston Previous 1 … 30 31 32 33 34 Next