From the Curator

A New Advisory Board for the Nieman Foundation

‘… the staff and I needed the wise counsel that a group of advisors could provide.’

Transparency Benefits the Practice of Journalism

‘The Nieman Watchdog Project … is grounded in the belief that probing questions are essential to informed reporting.’

Dedicating the Knight Center at Lippmann House

The Nieman Foundation works to broaden its reach.

Thinking About Storytelling and Narrative Journalism

At a seminar with Robert Coles, the topic is stories and how they are best told.

The New Knight Center at Walter Lippmann House

‘To the Niemans, there is no stationary state.’

Nieman Reports Revisits the Coverage of Black America

Journalists explore connections between the racial climate in newsrooms and news organizations’ coverage of race.

Newspaper Editors Confront Errors

‘We learn from one another’s mistakes.’

Media Ownership and the Quality of News

As the Federal Communications Commission considers changing rules, journalists need to pay better attention.

Creating a New Web of Connections

The Nieman Web site will be home to valuable information about journalism.

Restoring and Renovating Walter Lippmann House

The Nieman Foundation is enlarging its home to meet the needs of its residents.