
Frank Van Riper


Frank Van Riper, a 1979 Nieman Fellow, is a documentary and fine art photographer, journalist and author. His books include “Down East Maine/A World Apart,” which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and won the silver award for photography from the Art Director’s Club of Washington, and “Serenissima: Venice in Winter,” a collaboration with his wife Judith Goodman. Information about their photography workshops is online at

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It once seemed to take a million moving parts to put out a newspaper—a real, printed-on-paper edition of, say, The New York Times, the Herald Tribune or Le Monde.It was…
End Note: The Fine Art of Reinvention

End Note: The Fine Art of Reinvention

An invitation to lead a photo tour of Venice is a turning point.

‘Photo Vero’—A Modest Proposal

A photographer, worried about digital manipulation of images, suggests a way to protect the veracity of what the camera captures.

Reflecting the Floating City

The magic of networking offers pathways to the real Venice.

September 11: The Impact of Photography A Year Later

Photographers help ‘in the collective and somber effort of rebuilding.’

An Urban Eye Looks at Rural Life

Photographs that ‘beguile without fantasizing.’

The Best Picture I Never Took

It was in the 1972 campaign, during a George McGovern rally in a city long forgotten, that I saw a photograph I ache to have made. In shirtsleeves, the Democratic…