
En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

Los reporteros mexicanos necesitan ayuda psicológica para hacer frente al trauma de cubrir las zonas de guerra en que sus ciudades se han convertido
Covering Climate Change, with Urgency and Creativity

Covering Climate Change, with Urgency and Creativity

A look at news outlets bringing innovation, urgency and new audiences to stories on climate change
"Presenting a More Balanced and Nuanced View of Black Life"

“Presenting a More Balanced and Nuanced View of Black Life”

The very first time I viewed a William H. Johnson painting, the work moved me so deeply, I immediately declared him my favorite artist.I was barely a teenager. I didn’t…

Seeking a way to get more personal without getting less objective

While on assignment in Somalia a few years back, I found myself sitting in the waiting room of the Mogadishu mayor’s office alongside a dozen Somali men—some in white robes,…
One of a Kind: In creating a one night-only live magazine, Florence Martin-Kessler, NF ’11, finds a storytelling innovation that sparks excitement  

One of a Kind: In creating a one night-only live magazine, Florence Martin-Kessler, NF ’11, finds a storytelling innovation that sparks excitement  

On a sunny Saturday afternoon in October 2013, I entered a conference hall at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge to attend a roundtable that was part of the Nieman Foundation’s…
“Charlottesville is a reminder to us … that we have to ramp up our game”

“Charlottesville is a reminder to us … that we have to ramp up our game”

Three veteran journalists on what can be learned from coverage of the civil rights movement and the level of reporting current events demand
Getting Racial Nuance Right after Charlottesville

Getting Racial Nuance Right after Charlottesville

An “AP Explains” piece illustrates just how difficult it is to get racial nuance right in the Trump era, even when journalists set out to bring much needed context to…
“They’ll only kill you if the denial of revenue does not bring you down”

“They’ll only kill you if the denial of revenue does not bring you down”

Despite government and commercial pressure—and, sometimes, physical threats—incisive investigative work is getting done across Africa
"La Incertidumbre es lo Que Matanzas"

“La Incertidumbre es lo Que Matanzas”

Read in English. Es extraño cómo mi vida y la de muchos periodistas mexicanos ha sido trastocada desde que en nuestro país comenzó la mal llamada “guerra contra las drogas”, y…
“The uncertainty is what kills”

“The uncertainty is what kills”

Translated by Dick Cluster. Leer en español.It’s strange how severely shaken my way of life and that of many Mexican journalists has been since the declaration of the poorly named “war…