
1999: Reporters’ Relationships With Sources

[This article originally appeared in the Fall 1999 issue of Nieman Reports.]No topic consumed as much of the conversation at the Watchdog Journalism Conference [May 15, 1999 at Harvard University]…

1981: Weighing Sources—Anonymous and Otherwise

The Fiction of Janet Cooke and the Pulitzer Prize Surprise

The Roots of Our Responsibility

The American press was halfway through the century just ended before journalists began to talk seriously about press responsibility.A letter Henry Luce wrote to Robert Hutchins, President of the University…

1950: The Captive Press

How a Senator Can Monopolize the Loudspeaker

The Story Roy DeCarava’s Photographs Tell About a Different Black America

[This article originally appeared in the Summer 1998 issue of Nieman Reports.]Roy DeCarava doesn’t occupy a space, he blends with it. But to say that his approach to photography is…

1999: In Yugoslavia, the Consequences of Not Reporting the Truth

Journalists’ failure to report honestly empowers tyrants.

1998: Questioning If Guilt Without Punishment Will Lead to Reconciliation

The black press relives its own horrors and seeks justice.

1997: One David, Two Goliaths

The Struggle for Independent Media in Burundi

1997: What Happens When the Cameras Leave?

Rwandan refugees set up camps outside Goma. UN [United Nations] photo/John Isaac. [This article originally appeared in the Summer 1997 issue of Nieman Reports.]I gleaned a lot of utterly bizarre…

1993: Scouts Without Compasses

War in the Balkans is forcing correspondents to rewrite their guidelines.