
What Are the New Challenges in the Wake of New Technologies?

Photo © Colin Franzen/U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism,Center for Photography.Bill Kovach, Curator, Nieman Foundation: “We have created a communication system with the new technology during the last two decades…

Yes or No? Keeping a Candidate Scorecard

Steven Brill, Publisher of Brill’s Content, told conference participants what he would do to keep candidates accountable and the public interested in coverage of issues.Bill Kovach asked me to think…

How Does Television Affect the Coverage of Political Campaigns?

Cartoon by David Horsey. Reprinted with permission, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.Sheila Tate, President, Powell Tate, and former press secretary: “I’ve had the field producer for a major network come to me in…

How Do Editors Decide What Political Stories to Cover?

Photo by Greg Behar/U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Center for Photography.By a margin of 59 percent to 34 percent, participants in Pew Center survey said they think editors care…

Is Getting Personal the Same as Probing Character?

David Broder, columnist, The Washington Post: “The harder part is how we can help voters figure out who the hell these candidates really are and how they might operate. I…

Are Members of the Press Bored By Issues?

Ron Faucheux, Editor in Chief, Campaigns & Elections: “[Politicians] are not really complaining about the questions the press is asking. What they’re complaining about is that nobody’s covering their answers.…

What Would the People Ask?

Andrew Kohut, Director of The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press, addressed the question of ‘What would the people ask?’ by sharing results of a September 1999…

Are We Asking the Right Questions?

Are members of the press asking candidates the right questions? What should those questions be? A number of panelists, including journalists and politicians, had some ideas about specific topics that…

Do Members of the Press Try to Set the Policy Agenda?

Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana: “I am impressed about how many people in the media in Washington, D.C. really are not much interested in doing what I at least…

The Sound You Hear Is Silence

When the subject is corporate immorality, nary a judgmental word is heard.