
Taylor Family Establishes Award for Fairness in Journalism

‘Fairness keeps the playing field of a democratic society level.’

Coverage of Latino Life Is an American Story

Resistance comes from older managers. Acceptance comes from younger viewers.

Principle No. 5

Journalists must serve as an independent monitor of power.

Principle No. 6

Journalism must provide a forum for public criticism and comment.

Principle No. 7

Journalists must make the significant interesting and relevant.

The Evening News en Español

Univisión’s anchor connects the network’s mission with journalism.

Principle No. 8

Journalists should keep the news in proportion and make it comprehensive.

Principle No. 9

Journalists have an obligation to personal conscience.

Principle No. 4

Journalists must maintain an independence from those they cover.

Principle No. 2

Journalism’s first loyalty is to citizens.