
Images of a Shattered City

‘…you can feel the energy and the horror and a sense of history washing over you at once.’

Using Graphics to Tell Stories

‘[O]nline graphics add other dimensions to the stories we report….’

‘Who Makes the News?’

The Global Media Monitoring Project 2000 finds great disparities in news coverage of men and women.

Changing the Way Women’s Lives Are Portrayed

‘Ordinary women only are considered news when something they’ve done is “bad”….’

The Varied Pace of Women’s Progress

Surveys by the International Federation of Journalists find similar challenges but contrasting results for women in different countries.

Recommended Sites

www.spaceimaging.comSpace Imaging’s Ikonos one-meter resolution satellite is the premier source for civilian highresolution imagery, but at this writing its data collected over Afghanistan and environs has been effectively blockaded by…

‘Visual Voices’: Photos From China

‘Women turn the camera’s eye on their own lives.’

Winter 2001: Introduction

Through the night of September 11, 2001, photographer Peter Turnley took refuge in a second-floor office in a clothing store, its windows blown out by the force of the attack…

In Pakistan, Journalists Maintain Women’s Lesser Status

[Journalists] ‘have a somewhat conformist approach towards women’s issues.’

Worldwoman Stretches Its Reach to Several Continents

By training rural women how to tell their stories, the coverage of news changes.