
Wealth Is Displayed, While Poverty Goes Unnoticed By Many in the Mexican Press

‘What one almost never reads or hears about in Mexico is the immense gap dividing the more well-to-do Mexicans from the native Indians ….’

When the Role Race Plays in Societal Gaps Is Unspoken

A journalist faces ‘obstacles — some institutional, some personal — that stand like an invisible line between covering race and covering it up.’

Finding Perfect Pitch

‘… the stronger their facts, the more vivid their detail, the less reliant they are on the poetry.’

As Health Care Gaps Grow, Coverage Shrinks

Stories about the have-nots don’t ‘fit into today's paradigm of health news.’

Community Journalism’s Pathway to the Future

‘A newspaper can't be independent unless it is interdependent with its community of readers.’

Advice About Doing Project and Daily Reporting at the Same Time

What follows is more practical guidance about how to do large projects reporting at a small-staffed community newspaper, while also continuing to get news into the daily paper. — D.E.…

Spring 2006: Introduction

In recounting her reporting experiences for the Palm Beach Post after Hurricane Wilma hit Florida, Jane Daugherty speaks to the “retrospective dynamic of our coverage,” in which journalists seem to…

The Atlantic Leaves Boston

Last December the January-February issue of The Atlantic Monthly went to press. It was the last one to be published in Boston of the 1,771 issues of The Atlantic published…

Old Newspapers Lead Students to New Discoveries

A valuable collection of historic newspapers is used to put ‘journalistic skills to work on news long dead.’

Nieman Reports Heads to Journalism Classrooms

In our new outreach to journalism professors and students, Nieman Reports initiated an effort to help teachers use the content of our magazine in their classrooms. To do this, we…