
Writing Naked: Donald Hall on Poetry and Metaphor in Journalism (Video)

The Complete InterviewOn March 29, 2013, retired Concord Monitor editor Mike Pride, NF ’85, sat down with his friend Donald Hall, the former U.S. poet laureate, for a videotaped conversation…

Poetry: The News that Stays News

The most famous statements about poetry and journalism hide an equation inside an opposition: “It is difficult/ to get the news from poems/ yet men die miserably every day/ for…

“A Marathon Without a Finish”

All of a sudden, I heard a massive boom. I felt the ground shake, and saw the plume of white smoke rising from the sidewalk. Then I heard the second…

New Challenges, New Rewards for Journalists on Social Media

In the age of crowdsourced reporting, we need professional journalists more than ever

Writing Naked: Donald Hall on Poetry and Metaphor in Journalism

Donald Hall. Photo by Finbarr O’ReillyDonald Hall, former U.S. poet laureate, has lived at Eagle Pond Farm, with its white clapboard farmhouse and weathered barn, in Wilmot, New Hampshire, since…

Terror at Home, Abroad

Click to enlarge.Image courtesy of the NewseumAs the Boston Marathon bombing story continued to develop over the weekend, Nieman Fellows reported on the events, offering perspective from around the world…

Journalism & the Boston Marathon Bombings

From left, David Beard, Cheryl Fiandaca, and Seth Mnookin, speaking at the Nieman Foundation on May 1. Photo by Jonathan Seitz“One of the things that’s happening with Twitter is the…

Niemans Cover the Boston Marathon Bombs

Image courtesy of the Newseum A selection of stories by Niemans about the Boston attacksThe explosions at the Boston Marathon made front-page news around the world, with Líberation in Paris,…

Social Media and the Boston Bombings

In a breaking news situation, journalists get an adrenaline rush. There is a palpable eagerness to get the scoop, to be the first to bring the story to the public.…

“The Story of a Lifetime”

Brian McGrory, 51, was named editor of The Boston Globe just four months before the Boston Marathon bombings captured the world’s attention. Ten days into that coverage, McGrory spoke with…