
János Horvát, NF ’76

Having launched and operated a number of cable television channels in Hungary, Horvát was named the nation’s ambassador to Cuba in 2006 In 1975, Paul Ipper, the New York correspondent…

Things in Threes

A ballpark, a boat, and a freezing, windswept ramp outside the old Boston Garden: things in threes, as the nuns used to say. I started my career as a reporter…

The Faces of Agnes Wahl Nieman

Jamie PooleFor the magazine’s cover, British artist Jamie Poole based his portrait of Agnes Wahl Nieman on one of only two known images of her—a small engraving from a collage…

Anne Hull, NF ’95

Hull’s reporting on the abysmal treatment of soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center caught the attention of Congress and earned her and Washington Post colleague Dana Priest the 2008…
Robert A. Caro, NF ’66

Robert A. Caro, NF ’66

Caro’s interest in understanding Robert Moses took on a new urgency as he sat in an urban planning course at Harvard. The result was “The Power Broker: Robert Moses and…

Morton Mintz, NF ’64

An investigative reporter for The Washington Post, Mintz broke the story of the birth defects associated with thalidomide I owe to Louis Lyons the marvelous experience of a Nieman year.…
Mary Ellen Leary, NF ’46

Mary Ellen Leary, NF ’46

One of the first two female Niemans, Leary (1913–2008) covered politics in California for half a century Learning in the Nieman environment was wider than the campus limits. But the…
1945: Writing Courses

1945: Writing Courses

Fiction instructor Anne Bernays and nonfiction instructor Paige Williams, NF ’97, recall how the Nieman writing courses got started in 1945 and 1998Signing on to teach crack journalists how to…
Anthony, NF ’57, and David Lewis, NF ’94

Anthony, NF ’57, and David Lewis, NF ’94

David Lewis was the first CNN employee to receive a Nieman and has worked throughout the broadcast news business. His father, Anthony Lewis, who died in March of this year,…
Ed Williams, NF ’73

Ed Williams, NF ’73

After being hired for his first reporting job by W. Hodding Carter III, NF ’66, Williams spent 25 of his 35 years at The Charlotte (N.C.) Observer as editor of…