Tips for American Trainers

"When Bureaucracy Trumps Excellence"
- Valerie Hyman
Regardless of what organization sends a trainer overseas, what follows are suggestions that could make the experience more effective for everyone.

  • Before leaving the United States, make sure your U.S. sponsor has communicated directly with the chief executive of the news organization you will be visiting.

  • Specify that the organization provide you with workspace, computer, Internet access, and telephone.

  • Make sure the organization designates an on-site host to provide introductions, orientation and a point of continuing contact for you.

  • Go with another trainer. My colleague and I had the opportunity with each other to vent frustrations, double-check our impressions, and develop plans in response to the special challenges we faced.

  • Whenever possible, have a male and female trainer work as a team. Women in Eastern Europe do not command the respect and status they enjoy in the United States. As sensitive and responsive a listener as my male colleague was, the women journalists opened up primarily with me. And though I can chew the fat with the best of ’em, the men clearly were more comfortable with him.