
Re-examining Lippmann's Legacy

Re-examining Lippmann’s Legacy

Journalists are still grappling with many of the issues that defined Walter Lippmann’s extraordinary career
Nina Bernstein, NF ’84

Nina Bernstein, NF ’84

In 1992, Roy Gutman broke the story of Serbian-run concentration camps where mass executions took place, documenting their place in a campaign of murder, rape, and expulsion designed to eliminate Muslims…
James S. Doyle, NF ’65

James S. Doyle, NF ’65

The leadership of our government became unhinged after 9/11/2001. It took me a long time to face that, and even longer to figure out how and why it happened. I…

Georg Diez, NF ’17

It wasn’t the best time of my life, and then again it was, in the way that you realize only later, after it is over. I was sitting in a smelly…
Emily O’Reilly, NF ’88

Emily O’Reilly, NF ’88

At first glance, “Lost Lives,” this extended piece of journalism in book form, looks like a simple list of names with some brief notes attached to each entry, but to me it is…
Robert H. Giles, NF ’66

Robert H. Giles, NF ’66

As World War II stretched into 1944, it became part of the daily ritual in our household on Cleveland’s west side to keep up with the war news in the town’s…
Ray Jenkins, NF ’65

Ray Jenkins, NF ’65

The 31,000-word article filled the entire Aug. 31, 1946 issue of The New Yorker magazine—the first anniversary of the detonation of the first atomic bomb at the close of World War II.…
Christopher Weyant, NF ’16

Christopher Weyant, NF ’16

It was the mid-1980s when I read my first Pat Oliphant cartoon. I was a teenager prowling around in the back of a dusty used bookstore searching for cartoons. Sandwiched…
Clarence Jones, NF ’64

Clarence Jones, NF ’64

As a newspaper reporter, I looked down my nose at TV “talent” who called themselves journalists. My colleagues and I thought TV reporters were hired for their looks and their…

Stan Grossfeld, NF ’92

I can close my eyes and still see the classic W. Eugene Smith portrait of the mother bathing her daughter who was deformed by mercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan. It…