
The Risks of Relying on Citizen Journalists to Cover the War in Syria

The Risks of Relying on Citizen Journalists to Cover the War in Syria

“They say [the] Vietnam War was the first television war,” said BBC chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet. “Syria was the first social media war.”Against the backdrop of the Arab Spring,…
Is Movement Journalism What's Needed During this Reckoning over Race and Inequality?

Is Movement Journalism What’s Needed During this Reckoning over Race and Inequality?

A movement journalist examines what it means to engage with communities and challenge the status quo
Following the Money at the University of Michigan Hits Home for Reporter

Following the Money at the University of Michigan Hits Home for Reporter

I used to be the king of the N-S-A:No.Strings.Attached.I was single. I had no children. And I was a renter.When the discount plane fare to Japan arrived in my inbox,…
“What a Moment to be Growing up as a Black Boy”

“What a Moment to be Growing up as a Black Boy”

Photojournalist Juan Arredondo, a 2019 Nieman Fellow, who covered race protests in New York City this summer:“This scene resonated with me because I thought, what a moment to be growing…
How Russian Media Reported the Coronavirus Pandemic

How Russian Media Reported the Coronavirus Pandemic

In a new Shorenstein Center report, “Conveying Truth: Independent Media in Putin’s Russia,” Ann Cooper, a Spring 2020 Joan Shorenstein fellow, describes the origins and evolution of independent media in Russia…
“Collaboration is the Future of Journalism”

“Collaboration is the Future of Journalism”

To meet the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and the racial justice movement, the historically competitive media culture is becoming more collaborative
A Journalist Brings Her Reporting Acumen to American History

A Journalist Brings Her Reporting Acumen to American History

Nieman curator Howard Simons used to tease our class of ’77 about the number of members who abandoned journalism. Mel Goo became a lawyer; Dolly Katz, an epidemiologist. Al Larkin…
Can Journalism Be Both Impartial and Empathetic?

Can Journalism Be Both Impartial and Empathetic?

The reporters were used to getting stonewalled by the administration, but now the protesters demanding change were also shutting them out.One news organization, determined to tell the protesters’ stories, struck…
As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey's Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey’s Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

“Turkey’s mainstream media has imploded, and it will not come back even after Erdoğan”
Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

I began writing this piece with trepidation, wondering if it would be fair to compare the president of the United States of America to a president in SyFy’s cult classic…