
And on Whitewater…

An article in the winter 1997 issue of Nieman Reports, “Getting It Wrong on Whitewater,” refuted the widely reported belief that a portion of an illegal 1986 loan to Susan…

Alternate Forms of Transportation

BOSTON To the Editor: As a journalist and author (of “Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back”), I was pleased to see…

When Is More Less?

NEW YORKTo the Editor:I’m delighted that my letter of some months ago asking [Tom Regan, Nieman Reports technology columnist] to explain the differences between reporting for the conventional media and…

Spring 1998: Watchdog Introduction

This issue on Watchdog Journalism originated with a call by Murrey Marder, the retired Washington Post Diplomatic Correspondent, for a return to more aggressive, but responsible, reporting. The package begins…

Inspecting Road Sites

LOUISVILLETo the Editor:No country in the world can match the United States for extravagant use and waste of its resources. And nothing reveals waste more than our pell-mell pursuit of…

For State and Local Government, The Key Is Sufficient Resources

My assignment: examine the state of “aggressive journalism” in state and local government—whether we do enough of it, whether we are hard-nosed enough, whether we do what we do well…

TV Journalists Should Take Responsibility

p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Comments from two participants of the November 6, 1997, forum of…

Misappropriation of Public Resource

Most of the seasoned journalists, that is, people who began in the 80’s or were studying in the 80’s.. .feel very uncomfortable about what’s happening. And they do not speak…

Spring 1998: State & Local Governments Introduction

The second paper on watchdog journalism concerns state and local governments. As Washington has reduced its control of important functions, such as welfare, state and local governments have increased their…

Response: What About Corporate Crime?

Richard Parker’s paper is an insightful, scholarly and valuable overview. But his analysis of contemporary watchdog economics journalism and his recommendations trouble this long-time reporter.Consider these quotes: “It seems malign”…