
The Missing Voices in Coverage of Health

Nurses’ experience and research is vital to, but absent from, these stories.

Reporters’ Relationships With Sources

No topic consumed as much of the conversation at the Watchdog conference as that of reporters’ relationships with sources. How are these relationships established? How can and should they be…

Fall 1999: International Journalism Introduction

Powerful owners, government officials and politicians work hard to control what journalists write and say. With elections ahead, the press faces critical tests of its independence. How Journalists Use Sources…

Women Sportswriters Confront New Issues

No longer focused on locker room access, work and family challenges prevail.

Restricting a Photojournalist’s Access

The Red Sox tried to stop pictures of Fenway Park from being published.

Who Were You, Joe DiMaggio?

He was an ‘icon of icons’ about whom little was known.

Muhammad Ali Was a Rebel. Michael Jordan Is a Brand Name.

In celebrating Jordan as a hero, are we merely worshipping capitalism?

In Sports Reporting, When Does the Personal Become News?

Boundaries seem much harder to find and a lot easier to cross.

Spanish Journalists Adore the Euro

Wonder why? The roots of this love affair go back a century.

Fall 1999: Words & Reflections Introduction

“What difference does it make that a family newspaper stays in the family?” This is the question posed by Alex S. Jones, author (along with Susan E. Tifft) of the…