Articles Living Treasures There is a small committee in Santa Fe that twice each year names three people as “Living Treasures.” The name, and to some extent the content, is based on a… December 15, 2001 Steve Northup Arab Women Media Center RELATED ARTICLE“Breaking Down Barriers in the Arab Media”– Naomi SakrIn December 1999, the Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) was launched in Jordan. Its mission is to assist women who work… December 15, 2001 Breaking Down Barriers in the Arab Media Women activists have shown that obstacles to progress take many forms. December 15, 2001 Naomi Sakr Interactivity Creates a Different Kind of Journalism A former newspaper editor turned radio host discovers ‘a forum, simultaneously public and intimate, for digesting news and debating its meaning.’ December 15, 2001 Tom Ashbrook Stories the Media Decide Not to Tell An Arab American assesses coverage from his dual perspective. December 15, 2001 Abdelmagid Mazen Moving Coverage Beyond a Woman’s Veil In Iran, important stories about women are submerged by inaccurate assumptions. December 15, 2001 Naghmeh Sohrabi President Harry Truman Enlisted Journalists in the Cold War Are there parallels between then and now? December 15, 2001 Nancy Bernhard Asking Probing Questions in a Time of National Crisis Are journalists asking ‘the right question?’ December 15, 2001 Charles Nesson Revealing Beauty in the Harshness of War A woman in a burka walks near a mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif. 1990. Photo by Reza/Webistan.©On his journeys to Afghanistan, Iranian photographer Reza used his camera to document the life and… December 15, 2001 Reza Language Matters as We Try to Describe What Happened ‘By accepting language’s failure, we surrender our understanding and the complex meaning of events to silence….’ December 15, 2001 Beverly Wall Previous 1 … 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 … 433 Next