
Restoring and Renovating Walter Lippmann House

The Nieman Foundation is enlarging its home to meet the needs of its residents.
Reporting Science Means Looking for Cautionary Signals

Reporting Science Means Looking for Cautionary Signals

‘Experienced science writers try to keep the sense of uncertainty in their copy.’

Zombies on Roller Coasters

American media transport too many people to nowhere.

Celebrating a Journalist’s Life

Richard Harwood’s family donates his books to the Kovach Library.

Do Words and Pictures From the Middle East Matter?

A journalist from the region argues that U.S. policy is not affected by the way news is reported.

The Minefield of Language in Middle East Coverage

Journalists rarely have the time or space to navigate through the war of words.

The Daniel Pearl Video

A journalist explains why its horrific images should be treated as news.

Covering the Intifada: A Hazardous Beat

Photographers and journalists come under gunfire while reporting on the conflict.

Nieman Curator James C. Thomson, Jr., 1931-2002

James Thomson, Curator of the Nieman Foundation from 1972-1984, died on August 11 of cardiac arrest after a brief illness. He was 70. What follows are words contributed by Niemans…

Images Lead to Varying Perceptions

‘In photographs in which we, as journalists, saw danger, some readers saw deception.’