
No Agua, No Vida

A photographer chronicles the slow death of the Colorado River Delta.

Water Surfaces as a Story Only When It Floods

Three years after the Elbe River flood, ‘it is even harder to get these topics back into the news.’

When Coverage of a Water Crisis Vanishes

‘Unless there is a real and apparent danger … reporters will find it hard to convince editors to dedicate time and space for water stories.’

Reporting From the Nation of the Nile

A journalist describes approaches to and experiences with coverage of Egypt’s water issues.

Continuity of Change at the Nieman Foundation

‘While its ideals are deeply rooted in the core mission, the foundation could never afford to stand still.’

Reporting on Dams in Dictator-Run Countries

Journalists’ access to construction sites is curtailed, so environmental effects and population displacement can’t be easily reported.

Engaging Viewers in Conflicts About Water

Filmmakers invite ‘viewers to commit themselves for a while to the characters on screen and the choices they make.’

A Photojournalist Returns to Vietnam

‘… I finally got to make some peaceful and quiet pictures.’

How to Read Digital Newsbooks

Unlike the Web, Digital Newsbooks are designed to be downloaded and read offline. Here’s what you need to read a Digital Newsbook: A computer with Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP…
Complexity Makes Ocean Fishing a Tough Story

Complexity Makes Ocean Fishing a Tough Story

‘… the more I learned about fishing, the less clarity there seemed.’