
Diffused Voices Demand Different Coverage

‘If the people aren't demonstrating … reporters need to find them by going to their homes and businesses, asking their opinions to understand their views.’

Chinese Migrants: Refreshing Reporting About a Longtime Trend

Concerns arise about the Chinese government’s limits on news coverage of migrant protests and worker abuse.

Fall 2006: Introduction

When I was a border correspondent, I learned to move between both sides, quickly and frequently, physically and mentally, while striving for balance. I learned to maneuver in gray areas.…

Journalists Patrol Ever-Changing Borders

Soon after the riots last year in France, I was reporting in a big gloomy housing project outside Paris known as La Dalle: The Slab. A cold wind rose off…

Becoming Part of the Story to Tell It to Others

‘In our approach to gathering this information, we knew there was a fine line between reporting and misrepresentation.’

Attempting to Bridge the Divide

‘Entering immigrant America on behalf of an English-language newspaper is, by definition, a cross-cultural experience.’
Coming Ashore

Coming Ashore

“Tranquilo, que ya llegaste!” (“Stay calm, you made it.”) a bystander (right) says to Cordoba as the officers restrain him Officers try to catch Cordoba and verify that he is…

A Photojournalist in the Middle East — Images and Memories

View photo gallery below »The captions on the accompanying pictures are undated. I believe that certain images, like those in this piece, have a timeless aspect to them — an…

A New Approach to Reaching Young Audiences

Journalists offer well-told stories to teenagers — tailoring the content to suit their reading appetites and enticing them to perhaps find their way to news reporting.

Immigration to El Norte: Eight Stories of Hope and Peril

An Essay in Words and Photographs