
Newspapers Have Met Their Enemy Within

‘The question is not whether the newspaper is dead, but whether it can be rescued from unreasonable demands.’

Newspapers and Their Quest for the Holy Grail

Putting the Web first might be ‘the most difficult transformation in our mindset, but we should go ahead and flip our world on its head.’

Narrative Journalism in the Era of the Web

‘Once the idea of using footnotes took hold, the question became whether we could use them for more than their usual purpose of attribution …’

Taking the Big Gulp

‘The Web is its own medium with its own characteristics. It is not newspapers. It is not TV news. It is not radio.’

Goodbye to All That—A Memoir

‘My introduction to daily journalism began with a murder. My introduction to Niemanry also began with a murder.’

The Challenge of Community Building

Knight Foundation asks whether the community role newspapers play can be replicated by new media and offers to support those who show it can.

Journalism and Web 2.0

‘Tomorrow’s potential readers are using the Web in ways we can hardly imagine, and if we want to remain significant for them, we need to understand how.’

We Can Adjust to Changing Demands, But Should We?

‘People can adapt to anything if the order comes from the person who signs the paychecks.’

Risk-Adverse Newspapers Won’t Cross the Digital Divide

‘Newspapers lacked the external vision necessary to see the vast range of opportunities created by the Internet.’

Toward a New Journalism With Verification

‘This journalism must recognize that the distribution, the organization, and the sources of our work must change.’