

Allah: Literally, "The God." Arabic speaking Jews, Christians and Muslims use this term as the proper name for God. Muslims view Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of everything in…

Exposing Extremism—No Matter Where It Is Found

What happens when journalists fail to separate what is evil in people from what is good in those who share their religious tradition?

Deconstructing ‘the Other’—And Ourselves

“… they came to a certain point and the mufti said, ‘Well, now I’m going to pray.’ And he was silent. And the pope clasped his hands sort of at…

Newspapers Portray Women in Pakistan as the ‘Good’ Muslims

An analysis of news reporting and commentary in the wake of 9/11 reveals a pattern in which women's circumstances and lives served as a vehicle for a desired narrative.

A Master Narrative About Iran Emerges

‘… the surplus of news outlets has had the paradoxical effect of increasing our information and reducing our knowledge.’

A Dilemma for Black Women in Broadcast Journalism

‘They say you look militant, like Angela Davis. You're scaring them!’

‘A Voice, a Brain, and a Notebook’

Bloggers have taken up where I.F. Stone left off, and journalists shouldn't be far behind.
Women and Islam: Bearing Witness to Their Daily Lives

Women and Islam: Bearing Witness to Their Daily Lives

An Essay in Words and Photographs

The Civil Rights Struggle and the Press

A book revisits the time when only a few brave voices in the Southern press stood up against the many ‘that supported and often led massive resistance to change.’

Demonstrating the Craft of Writing

A book ‘grounds the reader in practical improvement by presenting 50 sharp, focused “tools.”’