
Western Journalists Report on Egyptian Bloggers

An observer of press coverage of cases involving Arab bloggers and government pressure notices some troubling trends in whether and how stories are told.

The Arab Story: The Big One Waiting to Be Told

‘How do journalists make the lives and aspirations of Arab men and women who will not succumb to criminality or terror relevant to Western audiences?’

Swamp Speak: Then and Now

A former CIA officer draws on journalist Walt Kelly's experience to illustrate the value of objective, in-depth analysis in intelligence reporting and journalism.

The Consequences of Uninformed Reporting

‘Most Americans think that since Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the literal word of God, they must read the Qur'an literally …’

Misperceptions of the ‘War’ in Iraq

An NBC News correspondent—with longtime experience in Iraq—describes many other visions of the war now being fought.

Reporting the Arab and Muslim Worlds

It is hard to see ‘ourselves—our actions and their consequences—in the picture.’

Islam Today: The Need to Explore Its Complexities

A scholar finds in most coverage of Muslims ‘a striking lack of clarity and an atmosphere of incomprehension that can only generate suspicion and fear.’

History, Memory and Context

‘… when a major story erupts in Lebanon, Westerners don't already have the dots by which they can make connections.’

Fiction Can Be More Real Than Journalism

‘In journalism, the color gray too often comes out a muddy brown.’

Finding Ways to Bridge the Abyss of Misunderstanding

‘… to travel in ignorance when insight and understanding are possible is to drive a wedge between Islam and the West.’