Articles Stories About Me ‘Being local these days is not just being a one-way flow of information.’ December 15, 2007 Bill Ostendorf Journalists Navigate New Waters ‘When high-tech’s central institutions blew up, people asked many of the same questions I hear asked by journalists today.’ December 15, 2007 Lisa Williams Journalism: Its Intersection With Hyperlocal Web Sites These sites ‘provide a depth of coverage of microscopic issues and events that thinly stretched traditional newsrooms simply can’t get to.’ December 15, 2007 Mark Potts News From Iraq: From Spinning to Reporting After working as Central Command’s spokesman for the war in Iraq, Josh Rushing became a reporter for Al Jazeera and writes about his transformative journey. December 15, 2007 Edward A. Gargan Going Far to Explore a Local Story ‘The currency common to these assignments was the thread of local connections stretching from Indiana to overseas and back in news stories we broadcast.’ December 15, 2007 Kevin Finch Global Issues Viewed Through Local Eyes New media—and new ‘newsroom’ arrangements—combine to make local coverage of environmental issues compelling and personal. December 15, 2007 Perry Beeman Changing Reporters’ Beats—With a Focus on Local ‘… we need to demonstrate in our pages and on our Web site that local journalism does not mean insular, shallow content.’ December 15, 2007 Rene Sanchez Blending Voice and Reporting ‘… stories conveyed a definite point of view, and the voice we used shared our perspective throughout their telling.’ December 15, 2007 John Doherty, Tim Logan Confronting ‘The Health Care World of Want’ A trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo results in a journalist’s determination to find ways to report on the devastation she now knows exists. December 15, 2007 Susan Dentzer The People and Spirit of McClellan Street Two brothers photographed life in a working-class neighborhood and found ‘kinship and camaraderie.’ December 15, 2007 David Turnley, Peter Turnley Previous 1 … 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 … 433 Next