
Zimbabwe: Telling the Story, Reporting the News

‘The finer points of journalism have, regrettably, had to be compromised in the desperate battle for access to information. This is guerrilla journalism ….’

In Zimbabwe, Courage Is the Journalist’s Companion

‘What Mugabe did not want the press to report was how he was using systematic state torture and violence against blacks opposed to his rule.’

Team Reporting on a Watchdog Project

Tensions surfaced as an investigative team produced a six-part series amid pressures of a downsized newsroom.

From Idea, to Beat Reporting, to Investigative Project

At the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the I-team created a new strategy to make certain that watchdog journalism is featured in the newspaper.

Joining Forces to Produce Public Service Journalism

‘By using a model like this one, we can more effectively use our staff to do investigative journalism that holds government institutions accountable.’

Needed: A Leader to Champion the Cause

In restructuring The Post and Courier’s newsroom, the top editor strengthened the focus on investigative journalism in the newspaper and on the Web.

Remembering the Value of Investigative Journalism

A newspaper editor describes six newsroom strategies that ensure that watchdog reporting thrives—even at news organizations where resources are limited.

Public Service Pulitzers: How These Stories Were Told

Reporters’ experiences ‘remind journalists why they are in their business and inform the rest of the world how the mission of the press fits into society.’

Georgian Journalists Send Word of Their Fate

‘The situation is insane.… My friends—both journalists—were killed in Ossetia. Just confirmed devastated..’

Changing Circumstances Delay An Investigation—and Lead to a New Approach

With The Blade’s I-team no longer functioning, the paper’s only investigative reporter now partners with beat reporters to do watchdog stories.