
Art and Literature: Guiding Journalists in Trauma’s Portrayal

‘… Nieman Fellows who’d been in the Balkans wanted to take courses in music, art, poetry, and other kinds of literature. I don’t think this happens arbitrarily.’

Art and Trauma—And Journalist as Observer

‘We have to be inside of the circle to understand the conversation, to get down and dirty with the people who are making art, and still keep that distance by…

‘Entering Darkness’

Depicting an individual’s story leads viewers to awareness of a ‘generalized horror.’

Media Criticism: Journalism vs. Advocacy

‘… press analysts who back up their judgments with reporting, research, style and wit’ earn praise, but it’s advocacy groups from both sides of the political spectrum who receive much…

The Iraqi Shoe-Thrower: When Endangered Journalists Need Help

 ‘I wonder how different things would have turned out if I could have found help for al-Zaidi. If assistance came sooner for his possible post-traumatic stress, maybe the shoe-throwing incident…

A Laid-off Journalist Charts a New Course via Social Media

Traveling the country, she and her family were inspired by hearing people’s stories of resilience in hard times.

Two Opposing Viewpoints—and Responses—on ‘Spies’ and I.F. Stone

To the Editor:The review published in the Fall 2009 issue of Nieman Reports of “Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America,” by John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr…

Taking Issue with Jerry Kammer’s ‘Struggle to Be Heard’ on Immigration

To the Editor:I’m writing to set the record straight and correct some troubling misperceptions created by Jerry Kammer’s article, “An Opposing Viewpoint: The Struggle to Be Heard,” printed in the…

Bringing the Wit and Wisdom of Molly Ivins to the Stage

Two journalists turned playwrights mine a mother lode of material in the writings of the acerbic political observer.

Bolstering a Beat: A Nieman Fellowship for Business Journalism

‘This Reynolds fellowship is designed to help journalists acquire new levels of knowledge and understanding about business and economic systems.’