Articles Steps Learned Along the Way: Redefining Photojournalism’s Power ‘Even in the best of times, even when highly recognized within the field itself, our images are only tools, not an end in themselves.’ March 15, 2010 Wendy Watriss It’s Not the Assignment: It’s the Lessons That Come From It RELATED ARTICLE“Digital Stories Are Being Chosen and Consumed à la Dim Sum”– Michele WeldonMy students’ assignment seemed straightforward: take a front page of a newspaper and translate it into a… March 15, 2010 Michele Weldon From Film to Digital: What’s Lost? What’s Gained? ‘Today, it seems that speed trumps all else, becoming the way success is measured. It might be better if other factors—such as content, reliability and value—were to trump speed when… March 15, 2010 David Burnett In Pursuing a Personal Project, Global Dimensions Emerge ‘As photojournalists casting about for creative and meaningful direction in the face of … an industry shifting beneath our feet, we may be best served by following the threads of… March 15, 2010 Kael Alford Slideshow List March 11, 2010 Global Health Reporting: Expertise Matters For three years global health fellows have been a part of each Nieman class, and the great value rendered by their study and subsequent reporting is measurable. March 9, 2010 Bob Giles Why Journalists Need to Learn About Trauma A survey of j-school professors and journalists emphasized the value of education and training in trauma reporting, with suggestions for how this learning can happen. February 22, 2010 Jad Melki When Language Fails Us ‘… truth is not at all lovely and not at all reconcilable with the military communiqués of war correspondence.’ January 20, 2010 Alexander McFarlane Tugging Meaning Out of Trauma ‘The journalists, by telling the survivors’ stories, are a witness to the witness and they bring that story to the larger society.’ January 20, 2010 Drew Gilpin Faust, Jacki Lyden, Robert Jay Lifton The Important History News Organizations Have to Tell By creating archives of company records ‘we can learn how the paper developed and organized itself, how editors and reporters approached stories, and how community leaders and ordinary citizens responded… December 17, 2009 John Maxwell Hamilton, Valerie Komor Previous 1 … 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 … 433 Next