
La Prensa Mexicana: En la Encrucijada de la Violencia

El 7 de agosto de 2010 los manifestantes  dejaron imágenes de los periodistas muertos y desaparecidos en el Ministerio del Interior, en la Ciudad de México, como protesta por el…
The Value of the Nieman Fellows’ Experience

The Value of the Nieman Fellows’ Experience

The 50th year celebration of South African Niemans offers a vivid reminder that their work served as ‘a powerful force in the struggle to end apartheid,’ and their ‘authoritative voices…

La Prensa Mexicana: En la Encrucijada de la Violencia

El 7 de agosto de 2010, manifestantes dejaron imágenes de los periodistas muertos y desaparecidos en el Ministerio del Interior en la ciudad de México como una muestra de su…
An Abundance of Images: Is It Leading to a ‘Trivialization of Photography’?

An Abundance of Images: Is It Leading to a ‘Trivialization of Photography’?

El Juncal, Ecuador (1996) Quito, Ecuador (1996) Mérida, Venezuela (1999) El Brazo, Colombia (1995) Atacama, Chile (1995) Ayacucho, Perú (2001) Cayambe, Ecuador (1998) Sigsig, Ecuador (1985) Toledo, Bolivia Achacachi, Bolivia…

Spring 2011: Introduction

Barriers to reporting on corruption are numerous. Pushing past them can be risky, especially in countries where powerful interests are entrenched in business, media organizations, and government. Arrest. Legal action.…

Freedom of Information Laws in Latin America

Source: Right2info.orgAristotle insisted that "by doing just acts we come to be just; by doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled; and by doing brave acts, we come to…

The Shady Dash for World Cup Cash

Questions arose in South Africa about improprieties in a major World Cup soccer contract after it was learned that a black security guard who, on paper, was a 26 percent…

Costs That Investors Seem Willing to Ignore

In 2001 free speech advocates demonstrated in Germany against Gazprom, a major Russian energy concern, when it took over a Russian TV company. Gazprom is partly owned by a German…

Sorin Ovidiu Vintu: Buying Propaganda as News

Romanian businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vintu has a simple strategy for dealing with journalists: “I don’t want to do any business with them,” he said. “I just want to buy them…

Establishing the Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism

Let’s begin by looking at a typical Romanian media experience: A multinational gold mining company, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, initially established by a controversial Romanian who has had drug convictions,…