
To Kill a Story

After Chauncey Bailey was murdered, journalists banded together to finish his investigation.
Common Ground

Common Ground

Anja Niedringhaus has worked on the frontlines of many major conflicts over the past two decades. Here she reflects on work from her new book “At War.”
‘What Gets Attention, Gets Funded’

‘What Gets Attention, Gets Funded’

RELATED ARTICLE“Global Health: A Story Rarely Told”– Stefanie FriedhoffWhen Samuel Loewenberg, a freelance foreign correspondent, heard in 2009 that 50 percent of children in Guatemala are chronically malnourished, he…

“Blowing Up the Newsroom” (and Other Thoughts on Survival)

We invited members of the American Society of News Editors to say what one change they’d most like to make to their newspaper. Their answers ranged from a return to…

The Great Young Hope

I wish I could say that revolutionizing newsrooms like the one I left at the Los Angeles Times in January 2008 is all that’s needed to change the fortunes of…

Empty Nest Syndrome

RELATED ARTICLE“Turn the Newsroom Inside Out”– Mike PrideLike any institution, today’s Concord Monitor is captive to past decisions. Just over two decades ago, before cell phones and the Internet were…

A Bridge to the Future

Instead of printing the paper every day, ‘we would provide to our subscribers an e-reader such as a Kindle or a Nook. This serves the dual purpose of strengthening our…

Speak Loudly, Move Nimbly

‘Lead the community through the newspaper’s strong editorial voice. … Find out what works on the Web for your market, and exploit it.’

The Overlooked “People Piece”

‘… the right kind of training will boost morale and reward the news organization with dedicated staffers itching to tackle groundbreaking assignments.’

Looking Back, Seeing Today

Between September 2001 and November 2006, I was editor of two Knight Ridder papers, first the Lexington Herald-Leader and then The Philadelphia Inquirer. It was a period of intense turmoil.…