
Why Journalists Shouldn't Be Blinded by Bad Science

Why Journalists Shouldn’t Be Blinded by Bad Science

"A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age” argues that journalists must better understand how science works in order to separate real breakthroughs from hype
Covering the Transgender Community

Covering the Transgender Community

How newsrooms are moving beyond the “coming out” story to report crucial transgender issues
Fifty Years of FOIA

Fifty Years of FOIA

As the Freedom of Information Act turns 50, journalists are innovating new ways to use the law

Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—In and Outside China

Greg Fay, project manager of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, discusses the formidable challenges to covering the Uyghur minority in China
Revitalizing Journalism in Brazil

Revitalizing Journalism in Brazil

Despite a fraught political and economic environment for journalists, new outlets in Brazil are experimenting with fact-checking, longform, and citizen media
Melissa Bell of Vox Media: "Give People the Start of Understanding"

Melissa Bell of Vox Media: “Give People the Start of Understanding”

On the online publisher's embrace of Snapchat, its spirit of collaboration, and its determination to create a better advertising experience
How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

Are images of violence and death too distressing to publish—or too important to ignore?
One Reporter's Lessons From Delivering His Own Newspaper

One Reporter’s Lessons From Delivering His Own Newspaper

The Boston Globe had a major delivery snafu for its print paper last week. The staff responding by going door to door themselves
How Participatory Journalism Turns News Consumers into Collaborators

How Participatory Journalism Turns News Consumers into Collaborators

Involving news consumers in the reporting process can improve stories and enhance audience engagement
Ethan Zuckerman: "Journalistic organizations … need to have a civic impact"

Ethan Zuckerman: “Journalistic organizations … need to have a civic impact”

The director of MIT's Center for Civic Media on business models, his dislike of Facebook, and participatory versus traditional media