The Search for True North: New Directions in a New Territory
In this time of accelerating change, how journalists do their work and what elements of journalism will survive this digital transformation loom as questions and concerns. By heading in new directions and exploring the potential to be found in this new territory of interactivity and social media, journalists – and others contributing to the flood of information – will be resetting the compass bearing of what constitutes “true north” for journalism in our time.
"Creating a New Platform to Support Reporting"
- David CohnSpot.Us accepts microdonations that are put toward a journalist’s proposal for an investigation. Progress toward reaching the goal is charted on the Web site. This means that an individual’s donation goes only to the targeted project that spurred the donation. Rules exist to govern the percentage of funding that can be donated by individuals as a way of protecting against advocates becoming the primary funders of any specific enterprise reporting project. The finished content is licensed under a Creative Commons license, and Spot.Us will try to get it published in as many places as possible. If any news organization wants exclusive rights to the story, it will need to refund a percentage of the original donations, so the original supporters will get their money back to invest in a new story.
"Creating a New Platform to Support Reporting"
- David CohnSpot.Us accepts microdonations that are put toward a journalist’s proposal for an investigation. Progress toward reaching the goal is charted on the Web site. This means that an individual’s donation goes only to the targeted project that spurred the donation. Rules exist to govern the percentage of funding that can be donated by individuals as a way of protecting against advocates becoming the primary funders of any specific enterprise reporting project. The finished content is licensed under a Creative Commons license, and Spot.Us will try to get it published in as many places as possible. If any news organization wants exclusive rights to the story, it will need to refund a percentage of the original donations, so the original supporters will get their money back to invest in a new story.