How are great journalists made? Often, it’s pieces of great journalism that help form them, influencing their lives or careers in an indelible way. To celebrate the Nieman Foundation for Journalism’s 80th anniversary in 2018, we asked Nieman Fellows to share works of journalism that in some way left a significant mark on them, their work or their beat, their country, or their culture. The result is what Nieman curator Ann Marie Lipinski calls “an accidental curriculum that has shaped generations of journalists.”
The America’s Cup in the summer of 1983 was not only the longest and most intensive assignment of my career—one that went on day and night for four months—but it entailed total immersion in a sporting, social, historical, and political pageant that was played out in real time on an international stage. I was fresh off my Nieman year, which had underscored for me the inestimable value of deep research and the overriding need for balance in shedding light on both sides of the bitter divide over the America’s Cup. Furthermore, Sports Illustrated writer Carleton Mitchell’s book, “Summer of the Twelves,” his insider’s account of the 1958 defense of the America’s Cup, allowed me to see how I could tackle my own America’s Cup coverage.
A worldwide audience was drawn into a great unfolding story that had everything, including the emotional roller-coaster ride of a cliff-hanger result, the toppling of a High Society icon, and the unlikely heroics of a scruffy, unlettered design genius. As both a live radio broadcaster and as a journalist reporting for Australia’s leading metropolitan newspaper, I found myself communicating with a global audience, many of whom on the far side of the world remained glued to their transistor radios taken to bed. It was the only time in my life that I received what might be called “fan mail”—postal sacks with thousands of letters telling me how much listeners and readers appreciated the front-row seat I’d given them. Even today, 35 years later, people still stop me in the street to say how much they valued those broadcasts and reports (“Newport Goes Mad for Bond”). It was a humbling experience and one that also allowed me to appreciate the weighty responsibility we bear as communicators.
Newport Goes Mad for Bond
By Bruce Stannard
The Age, Sept. 28, 1983
NEWPORT, 27 Sept. — Australia II came home to a hero’s welcome in Newport last night, the likes of which this historic seaport has never seen.
Tens of thousands of people crammed every available bit of dock spaces and clambered up on roofs and boats and cars and anything that would give them even a glimpse of the boat that had, after 132 years, ended the New York Yacht Club’s domination of world yachting.
It was a bit like the crowd that must have gathered around David after he whacked Goliath with his slingshot.
People seemed genuinely in awe of the big Australian racing machine, and quite rightly so.
Yesterday they witnessed history. Australia II ended the longest winning streak on record in sport. She came from 3-1 down in the best-of-seven series, overcoming a seemingly insurmountable 57-second deficit in the final race. Yet boat and crew turned that deficit into a 41-second victory.
The prize, the America’s Cup, is to be presented to Alan Bond in a formal ceremony here later today.
Mr. Bond, who has spent an estimated $16 million on four challenges, said: “I guess everybody has their day in the sun. This was ours, and I’ll never
forget it.”