Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 893 results

Foreign Policy: Morphing Into an Online Daily

 ‘At the start of our Web relaunch, here’s what we had: essentially no money, no reporters, a creaky and often barely functioning custom-made Web platform, a wonderfully talented young staff…

Connecting Correspondents With Broadcasters

Global Radio News, an online agency for reporters, insists on fair treatment and insurance to protect those whose work takes them into harm’s way.

Africa—Revealed on GlobalPost Through People-Oriented Stories

‘We work hard to make our stories break out of the “should read” category and into the “want to know” one.’

Creating a Go-To Digital Destination for Foreign Affairs Reporting and Commentary

 ‘At the start of our Web relaunch, here’s what we had: essentially no money, no reporters, a creaky and often barely functioning custom-made Web platform, a wonderfully talented young staff…

Diana Connolly

Adapt. This is the power behind the human brain. Humans have natural instincts to adapt to their surroundings. Their temptation to always receive more and more causes humans to create…

Digital Demands: The Challenges of Constant Connectivity

MIT professor Sherry Turkle finds the prevalence of PowerPoint in grade school classrooms “distressing,” yet PowerPoint is ubiquitous. It has gained adherents in the federal Office of the Joint Chiefs…

Our ‘Deep Reading’ Brain: Its Digital Evolution Poses Questions

‘The reading circuit’s very plasticity is also its Achilles’ heel. It can be fully fashioned over time and fully implemented when we read, or it can be short-circuited …’

Feeling the Heat: The Brain Holds Clues for Journalism

‘This rise in emotional intensity poses a real problem for serious journalists … . The sciences of the mind offer a lot of help if we are willing to learn…

The Peril and Promise of the Semantic Web

What is the role of the journalist as computers become more adept at pulling together data from different sources?

Journalism: English for the 21st Century

‘The two main drives in teenagers’ lives are for independence and acceptance; our approach to journalism supports these drives through favoring freedom of expression and showcasing student work on a variety of…