Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 893 results
5 Questions for Jonathan Zittrain

5 Questions for Jonathan Zittrain

Jonathan Zittrain is a professor of law and computer science at Harvard who examines issues of privacy and fairness in the digital world. He is co-founder of Harvard’s Berkman Center…
Harvard’s House of Blues

Harvard’s House of Blues

Legendary blues guitarist B.B. King told Nieman Fellows about his hardscrabble beginnings and played for them one afternoon at Lippmann House back in the fall of 1980. That visit came…
The Writer, Chronicler of His Time

The Writer, Chronicler of His Time

In his 1975 lecture, “The Journalist, a Chronicler of His Time,” Alejo Carpentier, a writer and journalist himself, made a distinction between the perspectives and roles of these two professions…
"Thick Files and a Long Memory"

“Thick Files and a Long Memory”

Henry Constantin was a 22-year-old journalism student at a Cuban university in 2006 when he proposed a thesis critical of the country’s brand of reporting. He was promptly kicked out…
Like Father, Like Daughter

Like Father, Like Daughter

The following is an excerpt from Will Steacy’s “Deadline.”Perhaps like many children of newspaper reporters, I came to understand small pieces of my father’s job before the full picture of…

Film as Long-form

There should be a recovery group for what I am: an author of nonfiction books, born in the 1970s. Yet I received shared Emmy and National Magazine Award nominations in…
Scott Stossel on Taking Ideas Journalism Online at The Atlantic

Scott Stossel on Taking Ideas Journalism Online at The Atlantic

Scott Stossel, editor of The Atlantic, has reason to be nervous. That’s partly because of his personality—detailed in “My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace…
Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness

Right about the time that my late husband was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, I started obsessing on vampire novels. There I was, sitting by my husband’s bedside, pondering mortality,…
Ben Smith: The Complete Transcript

Ben Smith: The Complete Transcript

When Ben Smith joined BuzzFeed as editor in chief in 2012, the site was better known for cute cat videos and fun lists than for serious journalism. Over the past…
Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function

Form follows function. Just what that axiom means, applied to journalism, was revealed to me by a man named Carl Newton, city editor of The Atlanta Journal when I arrived…