Search results for “writing the book”

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4 Ways to Increase the Diversity of Your Sources

4 Ways to Increase the Diversity of Your Sources

Understanding the barriers to increasing source diversity is key to overcoming them
The New Yorker’s Evan Osnos: “Approach Washington with a Healthy Degree of Alarm”

The New Yorker’s Evan Osnos: “Approach Washington with a Healthy Degree of Alarm”

Evan Osnos is a staff writer covering politics and foreign affairs at The New Yorker and the author of “Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now” (Scribner,…
Eric Deggans on How to Cover Race Without Perpetuating Prejudice

Eric Deggans on How to Cover Race Without Perpetuating Prejudice

As a media critic, author, and educator, Eric Deggans is one of the nation’s foremost commentators on matters relating to race and the media. NPR’s TV critic — the first…
What One Milwaukee Journalist Learned from 18 Months Exploring Democracy

What One Milwaukee Journalist Learned from 18 Months Exploring Democracy

Instead of being objective and neutral, be truthful, fair-minded, transparent, and human
Challenges and Possible Solutions to Winning Back Trust in Journalism Post-Trump

Challenges and Possible Solutions to Winning Back Trust in Journalism Post-Trump

Problems of media mistrust, conspiracy theories, and journalism’s economic sustainability are not going away anytime soon
It Can Happen Here: We Must Cover Trump As The Authoritarian He Is

It Can Happen Here: We Must Cover Trump As The Authoritarian He Is

On a checklist of the key characteristics of authoritarian behavior to watch for, Trump checks every box
Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Readers deserve honest, thorough coverage of abortion and the role it plays in women’s lives
Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom

Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom

In his new book, Issac J. Bailey examines his efforts as a Black journalist to write forthrightly about race
Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

I began writing this piece with trepidation, wondering if it would be fair to compare the president of the United States of America to a president in SyFy’s cult classic…
In Africa, Press Freedom Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

In Africa, Press Freedom Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

Recent incidents, including Hopewell Chino’ono’s arrest and government repression of coronavirus-related news, underscore the perilous state of freedom of the press in many African nations