Search results for “writing+the+book”

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Making Visual What Is Often Put Into Words

From the magazine’s pages to its online editions, Nieman Reports is finding new ways to connect with audiences through words and images.

Journalism: Its Generational Passage

Samuel G. Freedman ‘urges young journalists to be independent thinkers in newsrooms filled with consensus and conformity.’

Fall 2006: Words & Reflections Introduction

Contending that Daniel Okrent’s book “Public Editor #1” might be “the only collection of ombudsman columns ever assembled that is a genuine page turner,” former Boston Globe ombudsman, Mark Jurkowitz,…

Doing an Unenviable Job in an Enviable Way

A former ombudsman and media critic describes what Daniel Okrent wrote as public editor and what he has to say about the job he did.

Fall 2006: Introduction

When I was a border correspondent, I learned to move between both sides, quickly and frequently, physically and mentally, while striving for balance. I learned to maneuver in gray areas.…

A Photojournalist in the Middle East — Images and Memories

View photo gallery below »The captions on the accompanying pictures are undated. I believe that certain images, like those in this piece, have a timeless aspect to them — an…

A New Approach to Reaching Young Audiences

Journalists offer well-told stories to teenagers — tailoring the content to suit their reading appetites and enticing them to perhaps find their way to news reporting.

Ethical Dilemmas in Telling Enrique’s Story

A reporter talks about the limits of intervening in risky situations and whether to fully identify vulnerable sources.

The Long Journey Captured in Single Moments

A project about women's global migration found a home in many different media within the Tribune Company.

Courage as a Story Needing to Be Told

‘Unlike love, which may be an emotion only, courage must manifest itself in action.’