Search results for “writing+the+book”

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Teaching Journalism Students to Value What Is Authentic

‘I thought by sheer will I could be the one teacher who led his students away from plagiarism.’

Narrative Journalism in the Era of the Web

‘Once the idea of using footnotes took hold, the question became whether we could use them for more than their usual purpose of attribution …’

Goodbye to All That—A Memoir

‘My introduction to daily journalism began with a murder. My introduction to Niemanry also began with a murder.’

We Can Adjust to Changing Demands, But Should We?

‘People can adapt to anything if the order comes from the person who signs the paychecks.’

Caught in the Web

As journalists, we think about what the Web means for work we do in reporting and disseminating news and information. Given its transformative capacity, we can regard the Web as…

Why Anonymity Exists and Works on Newspapers’ Web Sites

‘If we require real names in print, shouldn’t we do the same thing online?’

Are Journalists the 21st Century’s Buggy Whip Makers?

Newspapers might vanish, too, if they continue to ‘dream of past dominance while taking their product and trying to fit it into their competitor's terrain.’

Poet Donald Hall Inspires Nieman Fellows

‘… even under the tyranny of daily deadlines, journalists can help themselves by thinking like a poet.’

The Making of an Obituary Writer — And a Man

‘My words gave readers thousands of moments to remember of little lives well-lived.’

Lessons of Youth Shape a Writer’s Career

In his memoir, a sportswriter observes his life and times as he delves into issues deserving of journalists’ attention.