Search results for “writing+the+book” Showing 894 results Failing to Harness the Web’s Visual Promise Today, too many news organizations still don’t take advantage of digital media’s capacity to give readers contextual information and to engage them in finding out more about the story the… March 30, 2010 Tugging Meaning Out of Trauma ‘The journalists, by telling the survivors’ stories, are a witness to the witness and they bring that story to the larger society.’ January 20, 2010 Trauma in New Orleans: In the Wake of Katrina Journalists and a poet explore this story’s intimacy, its emotional power, and its cultural significance. December 15, 2009 Connecting Threads of Individual Pain With Societal Responsibility From Northern Ireland, Chile and Kosovo come stories of the struggle people have in healing from terror and torture when political accountability and reconciliation are absent. December 15, 2009 When a Crime Is Just the Beginning of the Story By establishing relationships of trust with those touched by crime, reportiers discover and imtimacy of throught and emotion that can assist healing—for individuals and for communities. December 15, 2009 It Matters Who Tells the Story in the Middle East ‘The deliberate or unconscious dehumanization of Arabs is also reflected in the way they are portrayed on television. … selective images confirm the stereotype that Arabs are inherently violent.’ December 15, 2009 A Journalist and a Survivor ‘If I can give advice to journalists, I suggest it’s all about relationships.’ December 15, 2009 Manipulator or Human Rights Facilitator? (Extended) An extended, online-only version of Antjie Krog's "Manipulator or Human Rights Facilitator?" December 14, 2009 Art and Literature: Guiding Journalists in Trauma’s Portrayal ‘… Nieman Fellows who’d been in the Balkans wanted to take courses in music, art, poetry, and other kinds of literature. I don’t think this happens arbitrarily.’ December 11, 2009 Two Opposing Viewpoints—and Responses—on ‘Spies’ and I.F. Stone To the Editor:The review published in the Fall 2009 issue of Nieman Reports of “Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America,” by John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr… December 11, 2009 Previous 1 … 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 … 90 Next