Search results for “writing+the+book”

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The Race Beat, Revisited

The Race Beat, Revisited

Shereen Marisol Meraji kicked off an episode of “Code Switch,” a podcast taglined “Race and Identity Remixed,” with a confession: “My mom’s Puerto Rican; my dad’s Iranian. And I, too, suffer from…
4 Steps to Bring Ethical Clarity to Native Advertising

4 Steps to Bring Ethical Clarity to Native Advertising

As news outlets ramp up their use of native advertising, the industry must set ground rules and establish a common code of ethics
Five Tools to Rebuild Trust in Media

Five Tools to Rebuild Trust in Media

Helping readers slow down, ask questions, and find reasoned opposing views may foster civil discourse online
The Case for Skyline Watchdogs: Architectural Criticism and Political Acts

The Case for Skyline Watchdogs: Architectural Criticism and Political Acts

Chicago Tribune architecture critic Blair Kamin explores where to draw the line between coverage of aesthetics and politics
When Women Stand Up Against Harassers in the Newsroom

When Women Stand Up Against Harassers in the Newsroom

I was a kid, really—24 or 25—walking up Chicago’s Michigan Avenue on my way to the bus when a man twice my age blocked my path. He was dressed in the…

8 reporters reflect on the challenges of covering sexual harassment

Journalists who break stories about powerful men who have sexually harassed or otherwise abused women face a host of challenges. These include getting  women to go on the record and…
Finding a Good Hook

Finding a Good Hook

Finding a Good Hook: Hurricane Irma moves Joan Martelli, NF ’08, to finish her book about a storied wreck  
The Power of Personalization

The Power of Personalization

News personalization could help publishers attract and retain audiences—in the process making political polarization even worse
“A podcast every day for three weeks straight”

“A podcast every day for three weeks straight”

After covering the Tour de France, Tim de Gier, NF ’16, launches a podcasting network in the Netherlands
The Trauma of Covering Traumatic Events

The Trauma of Covering Traumatic Events

I had increasingly intense visions of harming my wife.That’s not quite right. I had been having off-and-on images of violent events for years—seeing myself raped in prison or impaled during…