Search results for “climate”

Showing 314 results

Global Warming: What’s Known vs. What’s Told

‘Americans could be forgiven for not knowing how uncontroversial this issue is among the vast majority of scientists.’

Weight-of-Evidence Reporting: What Is It? Why Use It?

Journalists ‘find out where the bulk of evidence and expert thought lies on the truth continuum and then communicate that to audiences.’

The Disconnect of News Reporting From Scientific Evidence

Balanced coverage results in a ‘misleading scenario that there is a raging debate among climate-change scientists regarding humanity’s role in climate change.’

Disinformation, Financial Pressures, and Misplaced Balance

A reporter describes the systemic forces that work against the story of climate change being accurately told.

Knowing Uncertainty for What It Is

In reporting on the science of global warming, journalists contend with powerful, well-funded forces using strategies created by tobacco companies.

How Do We Cover Penguins and Politics of Denial?

Bill Moyers suggests a new approach to conveying reporting about global warming.

Observing Those Who Observe

A journalist travels to the ends of the earth and reports from ‘distant, inaccessible places [that] have a grip on the popular imagination ….’

Native News Honors Project

In a journalism class at the University of Montana, students report from the state’s Indian Country, and their words and images are published.

Senate Hopefuls Clash Over Minimum Wage

This excerpt is from a story written by Schuyler Kropf that appeared in The (Charleston) Post and Courier on October 20, 2004. Those conducting this study regard it as an…

New Tools in Telling News Stories

In online workshops, Spanish-speaking journalists learn how to convey news in its broader reality.