Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 789 results

Changing Equations in Investigative Reporting

An editor proposes that journalists seek new partners in their mission of monitoring those in power.

Going Hyperlocal at the Chicago Tribune is ‘designed to give readers the depth and breadth of news and information that their local newspapers don’t deliver.’

Stories About Me

‘Being local these days is not just being a one-way flow of information.’

Journalists Navigate New Waters

‘When high-tech’s central institutions blew up, people asked many of the same questions I hear asked by journalists today.’

Winter 2007: Introduction

“Unique local content” is by now a familiar phrase as print competes with digital media for readers’ attention. With constantly updated international and national news reporting and commentary just a…

Tips About Starting a Hyperlocal Web Site

For those seeking to venture into the hyperlocal sphere—whether affiliated with a news organization or not—we’ve developed tips through observation and study. —J.S.1. Get ready for a high-touch experience: Citizen…

Passing Along the Value of Humility

‘Students need to be open-minded about the best way to tell each story rather than seeing rich media as mere add-ons to word-driven narratives.’

How a New J-School Takes on a Changing Profession

CUNY is integrating new digital technologies with the ‘eternal verities’ of reporting, writing and critical thinking.

Adapt or Die of Irrelevance

The clash between academic requirements for professors and the education students of journalism need to have grows more intense.

Finding New People to Tell the Stories

‘… progress in democratizing journalism doesn't necessarily translate into more or better news coverage—at least not yet.’