Search results for “WhatsApp”

Showing 37 results
Design as a Driving Force for Audience Engagement

Design as a Driving Force for Audience Engagement

A man in silhouette, head bowed, stands against a gray background. A dark shadow extends below the silhouette, and the chilling words underneath proclaim in simple white type: “Ronald Bert…
The Medium is The (Text) Message

The Medium is The (Text) Message

“Facebook is a bit like that big dog galloping toward you in the park,” said the late New York Times journalist David Carr, bemoaning the influence the social media giant…
A Pesar de la Violencia, los Periodistas Innovan para Reportear en México

A Pesar de la Violencia, los Periodistas Innovan para Reportear en México

Xalapa, VeracruzUna foto enmarcada de la portada de la edición del 15 de febrero de 2014 de Proceso, uno de los semanarios más importantes de México, cuelga de la pared…
Despite Violence, Journalists in Mexico Innovate to Report

Despite Violence, Journalists in Mexico Innovate to Report

Xalapa, VeracruzIn Noé Zavaleta’s bedroom, there’s a framed picture on the wall of the February 15, 2014 cover of Proceso, a leading newsmagazine in Mexico. It features a photo of…
Why News Outlets Are Watching India's Next Billion Internet Users

Why News Outlets Are Watching India’s Next Billion Internet Users

Every morning, Mr. and Mrs. Singh gently shoo their dog away from the freshly delivered copies of The Times of India and the Hindustan Times, two of India’s oldest and…
Jay Lauf of Quartz: The Homepage Isn’t Dead

Jay Lauf of Quartz: The Homepage Isn’t Dead

Jay Lauf found a way around trouble early in his career. He wanted to be a journalist but when he couldn’t find a job he took a position selling ads…
“A Sense of Exhilaration and Possibility”

“A Sense of Exhilaration and Possibility”

In December of 2011, Turkish military jets bombed the village of Uludere, about five miles from the border with Iraq, killing 34. Was the attack a tragic mistake or a…